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Casual Cloth NYT: Decoding the Mystery

Are you an avid crossword solver who is stumped by the clue “Casual cloth NYT” in the New York Times crossword? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. This clue has been featured in the NYT crossword multiple times and has left many solvers scratching their heads. But fear not, we have the answer and some tips to help you solve this clue in the future.

The Answer

The answer to the clue “Casual cloth” in the NYT crossword is DENIM. This durable and versatile fabric is a staple in many people’s wardrobes, making it a fitting answer for a crossword clue. But why is it considered “casual”?

The History of Denim

The History of Denim

Denim was first created in the late 1800s in Nimes, France. Originally, denim gained popularity as workwear for its sturdy construction and ability to withstand rough handling. In the 1950s, denim became popular among teenagers and young adults as a symbol of rebellion and nonconformity. This association with youth and rebellion has solidified denim’s place as a casual fabric.

Tips for Solving

If you’re still struggling to solve the clue “Casual cloth” in the NYT crossword, here are some tips to help you out:

  • Think about the context of the clue. In this case, the word “casual” is a hint that the answer is a type of fabric that is not typically considered formal or dressy.
  • Consider the length of the answer. In the NYT crossword, the number of letters in the answer is usually given in parentheses after the clue. In this case, the answer has five letters, which can help narrow down the possibilities.
  • Look for other clues that may be related to the answer. In the same crossword puzzle, there may be other clues that can help you solve this one. For example, if there is a clue for “blue fabric” or “workwear material”, these could also point to the answer DENIM.

Other Clues for DENIM

If you’re still not convinced that DENIM is the answer to “Casual cloth” in the NYT crossword, here are some other clues that have been used for this answer in the past:

  • “Jeans material”
  • “Levi’s fabric”
  • “Blue jeans fabric”
  • “Workwear fabric”
  • “Casual pants material”


Now that you know the answer to the clue “Casual cloth” in the NYT crossword, you can confidently fill it in the next time it appears. Remember to consider the context, length, and other related clues when solving crossword puzzles. And if you’re ever stuck, don’t be afraid to use a crossword solver or ask a friend for help. Happy solving!

For more information, visit: The Build Media

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